Osteopathy in Kettering
What is Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a health care system that lays emphasis on all structural and mechanical elements of the body. The bones, muscles and joints are collectively known as the musculo-skeletal system, and osteopaths are primarily concerned with how this system can function at an optimal and pain-free level. When the structure of a body is functioning correctly, there should be a minimal amount of wear and stress on these tissues.
Our bodies are subject to many kinds of stress (physical and emotional) every minute of the day. We are designed to combat these assaults through tissue repair; a healthy immune system; enough sleep and optimal nutrition. It is only when the stress is excessive or when the body’s normal defence or repair mechanisms are impaired that symptoms and disease occur. This is when treatment becomes necessary.
What Does an Osteopath Do
By taking a full and comprehensive case history and examining the body’s structure and function, the Osteopath first seeks to establish the source of the symptoms. However, treatment will not only be directed at the symptomatic area, but will also aim to address the factors that may have pre-disposed the mechanical dysfunction. The body can then continue its job of self-healing and tissue repair.
Treatment is usually gentle and should not be painful. Most osteopaths use a combination of soft-tissue massage type techniques; gentle joint articulation and mobilisation, and, if indicated, joint manipulation. We can advise on life-style, physical activities and exercise. Kettering Osteopaths has a good working relationship with all GP practices and hospitals in our area, and if a referral or further investigation is indicated, this is done following consultation, examination and discussion with the patient. Every patient consultation and treatment session is strictly confidential, and all registered osteopaths within the practice abide by a strict ethical code of conduct.
New Patients
On the first consultation the osteopath will take a case history that will include questions about a patient’s general health, medical history and present complaint. The patient will then be asked to undress to their underwear and examined to see if the presenting problem is suitable for osteopathic treatment.
After a diagnosis has been made the patient will be informed of the proposed treatment plan, including an estimate of the likely time-scale. If osteopathic treatment is appropriate it will start at this time. If osteopathic treatment is considered unsuitable the osteopath will discuss this and the best course of action.
You can learn more about first visits on our NEW PATIENTS page and also find many common questions answered on our FAQ page.
Not Only Backs
Although osteopaths treat many patients with back pain and sciatica, there are numerous other complaints that can be helped by osteopathic treatment. These may include postural and traumatic conditions of the neck, upper and lower limbs as well as the spine. Sports injuries and occupational stresses often respond well to osteopathic treatment, as do many post-operative conditions where immobilisation has occurred such as joint replacement or fracture repair.
—> Shoulder Pain
—> Sciatica
—> Back Pain
—> Headaches
—> Arthritic Pain
—> Sports Injuries
—> Tennis & Golfers Elbow
—> Muscle & Ligament Pain
—> Repetitive Strain Injury
—> Pregnancy
—> Hand & Wrist
—> Leg, Knee & Foot
—> Cranial Osteopathy
Sports Injury Treatment
The principles of osteopathic diagnosis and treatment lend themselves particularly well to the treatment of sports injuries.
- increase joint mobility
- relieve muscle tension
- enhance the blood and nerve supply
- help your body’s own healing mechanisms
Emphasis is placed on rehabilitation and the prevention of injury within the framework of an early return to sporting activity.
At Kettering Osteopaths we have experience in treatment of athletes at local, national and international levels across a range of sports.
We also have a sports massage therapist in the practice for soft tissue treatments, which can help as part of a recovery program following muscular injuries or just for the relief of tight muscle groups such as the hamstrings, gluteal and calves.